More About Me

My website is mostly about the needs of the people I work with. But I've been asked to say a bit more about myself, so here is more about me...

I was born and raised in Los Angeles County, California. Early in school I struggled, due to what I later found out was a cacophony of learning disabilities and high intelligence. In 1990 I completed a BA in psychology at the American Jewish University, a partial masters in Educational Therapy (the very small department at SFSU closed in the middle of my time there), and after having children spent time taking graduate Counseling courses at George Mason University and Walden Univervisty.  I've also attended and presented at many conferences on gifted issues (VAG, BIQ, SENG).

Besides CA and VA, I have lived in Israel, China, and the Philippines, learning some Spanish, Hebrew and Chinese along the way. I do not  have any official advanced degrees, nor am I a licensed counselor, but most of my clients call me a "therapist" or . I've taken as many courses in religion as in psychology/counseling, not just in Jewish topics, but also in Eastern religions and philosophies.  I've run a program for parents of gifted kids for the Alexandria school district, and worked on research with Dr. John D. Wasserman who was in charge of the psycho-ed evaluation programs at George Mason University. I've been greatly influenced by Dr. James T. Webb, and the organization he founded called "SENG" --Supporting the Emotional Needs of the Gifted.  Besides mental health and philosophical interests, I have been an artist, a sign painter, a massage therapist, a teacher, a writer, a researcher, and a few more things.  I've been married since the 1990s, and we have two awesome sons.




Home Guiding the Gifted Funnel Analogy Emotional Needs Services Theory 

703-280-1629 Please note, phone rings at home, call only between 9 am and 6 pm, Eastern (Washington, DC) time
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The Online Gifted Assessment Tools (OGAT), is not a scientific way to identify giftedness, research is ongoing. You are welcome to use the OGAT for your own curiosity.

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